The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 introduces important new laws about our obligations to make information publicly available. The Act gives people new rights to access information. Most of these rights come into effect from January 2005. The Act opens with a general statement that “A person who requests information from a Scottish public authority which holds it, is entitled to be given it by the authority, section 1 (1) Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Any person or organisation can make a request for information which is not already detailed in our Publication Scheme. They do not have to work or live in Greater Glasgow. A request for information must be in writing and made to the Practice Manager. The applicant must give their name and an address for the reply. They do not need to say they want the information. They may express a preference for information to be provided in a particular form e.g. paper copies or memory stick. We should aim to comply with their requested preference. We are not obliged to charge applicants for supplying information if we do we will inform you before providing the information. We have 20 days to comply with your request. If you are unhappy with the information provided please contact the Scottish Information Commissioner who has the power to enforce individuals with rights under the act.
Contact can be made at :
Kinburn Castle.
Doubledykes Road.
St Andrews.
Fife KY16 9DS.
Telephone: 01334 464610. Fax: 01334 464611.
Email: enquiries@topublicknowledge.